My name is Jacqui and I make hand crafted palm oil free luxury soaps.
Soap-making had not originally been anywhere in my life plan. In fact I wanted to make a living selling my watercolour abstract artwork ,something I had loved doing since childhood.
When a successful local beloved card and gift shop became available for lease as a going concern... the cogs began to whir . And a grand plan began to form, which was to build on the existing business but to extend the range of gifts available to include selling my art work and to offer high quality hand made soaps, among other things such as balms, bath bombs and sewn items along with a fairly long ambitious list.
Exploring Soaps first...
Soaps happened to be among the first on the list to be explored, my decision to start making soap came from a love of using expensive commercial soaps that my husband and I were fond buying while in Norwich on shopping days out with the kids. The soap was a large hard white bar , with captivating fragrances and very chic , elaborate and beautifully illustrated packaging.
But I was in for a shock...
What I came to realize was that even a very expensive commercial soap was not a patch on handmade soaps ,even my rudimentary first attempts. My skin had never felt so good!
Gone was dry tight skin, irritated skin.
I had always been prone to sensitive skin and had suffered periodically with eczema and contact dermatitis ,so I was very happy ,no overjoyed ,to see such a great improvement in my skin. And I had found a solution even when I had not been directly looking for it.
A new awareness, the Palm Oil Issue
Initially while I was learning the craft I followed tried and tested recipes containing palm oil, as palm oil is/was considered to be a cornerstone of the soap making trio along with coconut oil and olive oil.
But when I started looking into the origins of the ingredients I happened to stumble across information regarding the issues with palm oil and it's production and the destructive means in which habitat was cleared to make space for palm plantations in areas of what had been virgin rainforest and I didn't like what I saw.
I found it very upsetting to see the tearing down of the forests, the burning and it's aftermath and the terribly sad loss of habitat for it's animals .This process causes such suffering and destruction.
Finding a solution
I spent months experimenting with my own recipes and various oil combinations and oils, determined to replace palm oil, which can be difficult , as palm oil does make a hard bar of soap with a good lather and recreating that took some many months of trials.
We live in a hard water area here in East Anglia, so I had to also factor that in to my recipe as I wanted a soap that had a good lather as well. My months of experimentation finally lead to success and a recipe I use now ,containing seven different vegetable oils that give a great lather even with our hard water and fantastic moisturizing properties .
Happily this has lead to me not needing to buy much moisturizer and to have soft clear skin and as my soaps can be used all over, including washing your hair, I was proud to start sharing them with others.
I stopped using palm oil in my soaps by 2013 probably a year or so from beginning to make soap .This was a big step and it meant a great deal to me , I also was keen to try and help my customers understand the reasons why I had made this decision and to bring awareness regarding palm oil production.
Initially people would read my No Palm Oil notice and looked at me quizzically and would ask, 'what was the problem with palm oil?' At the time few people were aware of palm oil at all, despite it's extensive usage, no only in soaps but foods and cosmetics and even bio-fuels.
It has only been in the last couple of years that this awareness has become mainstream which is wonderful.

The Beauty of Natural Ingredients
I also have long love of natural healing ingredients and of herbs.
I decided from the start that my soaps must be coloured with natural ingredients ,botanicals and spa clays, and other natural ingredients such as coffee and turmeric . I decided to add an additional layer of beneficial ingredients and use essential oils to fragrance my soaps. A triple benefit of moisturizing kind skin loving oils, soothing ,healing botanicals and beneficial essential oils.
Currently there are two soaps that are fragranced with fragrance oils, as the essential oils are just price prohibitive, the first sandalwood soap and the second coconut milk soap bar cannot be scented any other way.
Artistry in Soap
My artistic side has worked it's way into my soaps also . I love the finishing aspect as I swirl and manipulate the batter on the top of the soap before it hardens. I also hand stamp and bevel each bar ,which I find remarkably relaxing .
My packaging is also all designed and produced by myself. So what started as a 'I'll give it a go, how hard can it be ?'.... has lead gradually into a business that I love every aspect of and I now supply five outlets around East Anglia and have a website all of which is all very exciting ,as I get to make even more soap!
One day I may progress onto the other items on my list but if I don't I will be quite happy just soapmaking.
So you just never know where these inspirations will lead. I'm pleased I followed mine.
An Exciting Update
My soap business is still up and running. Covid caused a setback for me as I was mainly supplying local shops. So after having to find a part tie job to keep things going I am now working JacqsArtisan Soapery full time again. And my joys have now extended to hand thrown pottery.
I have more products coming online soon so watch this space.